Which most gentle horse breeds for new horse-riders?

There are many breeds of horse in the world but did you know which most gentle horse breeds for new horse-riders? Let's check this list now and find your answer!

Top 5 Horse Breeds For Beginners

Although there is no perfect horse breed for beginners, you can still find some types that are more suitable than others because of their unique characteristics.

>>> Do you know: How many Horse breeds in the World?

Check them out:

1. American Quarter Horses

American quarter horse

These favorite horses are the ideal choice for beginners. The main reason for choosing them is their docile temperament and firm body to create a great bond between the rider and the animal.

Even when you raise them on your farm, they are not easily frightened by stubborn calves or scattered flocks. So you feel safe riding without worrying much.

>>> Read more: 4 Interesting Quarter Horse Facts

2. Thoroughbred

Thoroughbred horse

The most important thing is training for each horse. Although Thoroughbreds are mostly bred into racehorses with power and high thinking, they also have the right points for someone who wants to own a very first horse.

They are gentle, stable, and muscular and look lovely. If you can train them well, they will be your most disciplined horse.

3. Tennessee Walking Horse

Tennessee Walking Horse

The next horse breed is famous for being very docile and gentle. They are also very friendly and easy to “forgive people” when humans wrongly handle horses or accidentally abuse horses.

Therefore, they are perfect companions on your first journey with horses and riding but make sure to love them. They also serve in most equestrian sports like saddle seats, costumes, dance, and endurance.

4. Shetland Pony

Shetland Pony

These ponies originating from the Shetland Islands are suitable for both adults and children when starting to practice riding. They have a low height (about 46 inches), thick fur and sturdy body.

Thus, you or your child can be more secure when on the saddle. Also, the Shetland Pony is gentle, quite calm and loyal to humans. Because of its limited size, you can check how suitable it is with your height.

>>> Wonder: Is Pony a Baby Horse? Read It Now!

5. Percheron

percheron horse

Lastly, you can also choose this French horse breed for your first practice rides. Many people love them because they are very brilliant. Percheron horses also have excellent muscular structure, docile and gentle nature. The trick is to choose a pure or cross type that is lighter than the original one.

Things to consider when selecting the best horses for beginners

Do not buy untrained horses

Untrained horses are usually cheaper but they are not safe for beginners. You should not buy them to train or send to a trainer because it will be dangerous to do things wrong and take a long time. You should choose horses with experiences and good temperament instead of focusing on horse breeds. And note that older horses of any breed tend to be easier to ride than young horses.

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No “love at first sight”

If you love a horse the first time you meet, don’t buy it right away. You should try out the horse, try again, ask the seller or go home and think for a few days. You also need to consider other horses to compare and have the best option for you. Besides, you should be alert when buying horses at the auction as they can be drugged to look calm and healthy.

Try the horses before you own them

You can ask the seller whether you can try the horse for some days before paying. Horse owners also want to find their beloved animals the new good owner who can take care of them and handle them well. Some sellers may also help you find another horse if the horse you’re looking for doesn’t meet your need after the trial period.

Follow your demand and skill

If you are new to horse riding or experience only a few months, do not buy horses for high-performance competitions. You have to choose horses that meet your needs for safe riding practice, basic skill levels, and regular physical strength. It helps avoid danger to you when using. Note that you should also avoid buying ponies to grow up with your child, and you need to select a mature and well-trained horse.

Ready to be a horse owner

If you love horses and want to buy them for care and riding, are you willing to spend time and money for them? Caring and training horses have never been easy. You need to take time to care for them, learn how to ride correctly, understand their habits, and consult experts, nutritionists or doctors to make your horse indeed an ideal companion. Let’s make friends and love your new horses more.